Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Green Cohort Day / Variety Day
All Students, Faculty, and Staff: Don’t forget to order your lunch today for next week! Please do so by clicking on the link on your Advisory Page in Canvas. The link will close tomorrow morning at 8:45 a.m.
Tomorrow, Thursday April 29 will be Variety Day to support the Senior Class. The cost is $1 and will be collected in Advisory.
The Gay Straight Union will meet today at 3:30pm in Ranger 210. If you would like to attend in person or via Zoom, please email Mr. Quinn at emmet.quinn@stjalbs.com for more information.
The Social Studies Department is pleased to announce that the Boys and Girls State programs will run this summer. If you have an interest in politics, leadership, and public policy, this is a phenomenal opportunity. Four boys and four girls will be chosen to represent the Academy at this week-long conference over the summer. While learning about state and local government, delegates will run campaigns, serve in a mock government, and set policy for the great state of Vermont. The girls will meet virtually from June 20th through June 24th, and the program is now open to rising seniors, as well as current seniors. The boys will meet in person from June 20th through June 25th at NVU – Lyndon, and the program will only accept rising seniors. If you have any interest or questions, email Mr. Mantius at peter.mantius@stjlabs.com or stop by his classroom during Conference Period in Ranger 211 to pick up an application. All costs will be taken care of by sponsors and the Social Studies Department.
Happy Birthday today to Da’Quan Lowery, Alex Orozco Kuri, Nolan Malloy, and Macie Rivers!
VARSITY/JV GIRLS LACROSSE @ WOODSTOCK 4:30/5:45, please release Varsity at 1:30 and JV at 2:45
TRACK & FIELD vs. CRAFTSBURY, LAMOILLE, & LAKE REGION 3:30, please release the teams at 2:00