Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Green Cohort Day
All Students, Faculty, and Staff: Don’t forget to order your lunch today for next week! Please do so by clicking on the link on your Advisory Page in Canvas. The link will close tomorrow morning at 8:45 a.m.
Attention freshmen, and any student who will be 15 or younger this summer: The Northeast Kingdom chapter of the Audubon Society is offering a $1,300 scholarship to attend a week of Marine Science programming at the Acadia Institute of Oceanography this summer. For more information and application details, please reach out to Dr. Desjardins in the science department. Applications are due February 26th.
The Gay Straight Union will be meeting today at 3:30pm in Ranger 210. If you would like to attend in person or via Zoom, please email Mr. Quinn at emmet.quinn@stjalbs.com for more information.
A reminder that SCOPE will hold a virtual meeting today at 3:10. Check the Canvas page for the link. See you there!
“We should all be humble like the equal sign; it never thinks it is greater or less than anyone.” The Math Team will meet today in Fuller Basement from 3:20-4:30pm. We are working on Round 5 of the New England Math League Competition. If you are interested in joining our group in person or via Zoom, email Mr. Kinsella at patrick.kinsella@stjlabs.com or Mr. Stapleford at dstapleford@stjacademy.org for details.
Thursday skins with the Outing Club will not meet this Thursday. Hopefully we will see you next week.
Catamount Arts is working hard to provide local teens with events that can take place this spring, but they need your help. If you have an hour and a half to spare this Friday evening, please join our online focus group, where we will share and brainstorm ideas about how Catamount can provide arts programming to you in the coming months. You will be paid to participate, but you’ll need a signed permission slip to be part of the focus group. If interested, see or email Mrs. Morris for a permission slip today. Permission slips must be turned in no later than Thursday.
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, why not go on a Blind Date—with a romantic book?! How does this work, you may ask? It’s simple. In the cafeteria you will find a display of books wrapped in paper (for a total surprise), covered in clues. Each book is a proven romance, sure to make your heart beat a little faster. Ponder the clues. Choose a book. Check it out. Perhaps the story you choose will be the perfect romantic reading prescription for you. Blind Date with a Book, on display in the cafeteria through Valentine’s Day!
Happy Birthday today to Hayden Angell, Kevin Xu, and Ray Chen!