Daily Bulletin | Tuesday
Green Day
Attention day students! Please check your STJ Labs account for an email from Mrs. Greenwood with information about Burke Mountain season passes. Applications are due by November 30th in order to take advantage of discounted pricing.
The following college has a visit today – Merrimack College. The following colleges have visits tomorrow, Johnson and Wales University, Saint Anselm College, University of Connecticut, and SUNY College at Oswego. Please see Naviance for details.
The Intro to Baking classes will have a bake sale today after school in front of the library. Don’t forgot — Maple Glazed Donuts will be one of the items for sale!
All 2023 India trip participants — there will be a meeting tomorrow at 3:30pm in the Tinker House. If you are unable to attend, please see Ms. Garey in the Nurses’ Office.
Tonight at 7:00pm, Dr. Jeremy Spoon with give a talk about disaster recovery and indigenous cultures. Current or future Capstone, Research, or Seminar students should consider attending to hear about research methods and gain some inspiration for your own projects. Please email Ms. Drew at angela.drew@stjlabs.com for a Zoom link!
The Outing Club will take advantage of this gorgeous weather and get another day out on the climbing wall today at 3:45. We will also have some frisbees out there, too, for people that are standing around or maybe just want to huck the disc. Come hang with the cool kids at the SJA climbing wall today at 3:45. Dare to explore!
Attention all girls interested in playing basketball this winter, starting this week there will be open gym opportunities for you to get ready for the upcoming season. Come to Alumni Gym tonight from 4-5:30 and Wednesday from 5:15-6:45 and Friday 4-5:30 for pickups and shootarounds in preparation for tryouts on November 28. We will continue to have daily open gym opportunities every week until Thanksgiving break. Times will be posted at the Field House for your convenience.
Math Team will meet today in Severance 15 for New England League Round 2. We have a busy month with competitions each week this month before Thanksgiving break. Be there or be squared!