Daily Bulletin | Tuesday

April 26, 2022

Green Day


A reminder that tomorrow will be a Denim Variety Day to support Umbrella. The cost is $1.00. Dress in your favorite denim and support this important local cause!


A reminder to sophomores: Sophomore Stewardship Day is coming up on Friday. Please get your field trip permission slips signed by your parent or guardian as soon as possible. You can return to slips to your advisor or to the Campus Life office.


Capstone Day is almost here! Juniors and seniors should check in with their advisors if they are unsure of their Capstone Venue Assignment for this Friday, April 29.


Seniors — are you the child or grandchild of a St. Johnsbury Weidmann employee or retiree? Do you plan on studying engineering, business, or a science related subject in college? If you answered yes to both questions, you are eligible to apply for the 2022 Founder’s Prize, which is a $1,000 prize awarded to a graduating senior. Please see Mrs. Cady in the Straszko Center or your Guidance Counselor for more information. The application deadline is Wednesday, May 11, so don’t miss out on this great opportunity!


On Thursday, May 5 from 9:45-11:00, CCV will be hosting a Manufacturing Access Day for high school students. Students will meet with representatives of local manufacturing companies and with CCV advisors via Zoom, to learn about the program and career opportunities in the local region. If interested please contact Mr. Carr at acarr@stjacademy.org or stop by his office in Streeter 132.


Badminton Club meets today in the Field House right after CP. Badminton. Today. Field House.


The Academy Chess Team competed in the Vermont State tournament over break on April 16th. The team performed exceptionally well earning second place honors.  Leading the team was Kanan Gasimov with 2 wins, 7th place, Eric Chen with 3 wins and 5th place Oliver Greenway with 3.5 wins out of 5 games.


Happy Birthday today to Taylor Cahoon!


VARSITY/JV BOYS LACROSSE vs. COLCHESTER 4:00/5:30, please release the Varsity at 2:40

UNIFIED BASKETBALL @ MT. MANSFIELD 3:45, please release the team at 12:45

JV/VARSITY BOYS ULTIMATE vs. MONTPELIER 4:00, please release the team at 2:40

TRACK AND FIELD @ LYNDON INSTITUTE 3:30, please release the team at 1:45


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