Daily Bulletin | Tuesday

December 7, 2021

White Day


A reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, will be a Gear Day; Thursday we will host a variety day. The cost is $1; and Friday we will host our annual Ugly Holiday Sweater Day to celebrate the last week of classes for first semester!


Congratulations to this month’s recipients of Chef B’s Random Act of Kindness. The winners are as follows… Senior Class: Mr. Holden’s advisory; Junior Class: Mrs. Scavitto’s advisory; Sophomore Class: Mrs. Larocque’s advisory; and for the Freshmen Class: Ms. Keach’s advisory! Chef B will deliver a box of goodies to your advisory one day this week!


Please remember to drop off Giving Tree gifts and tags in Colby 302. If you’ve ordered a gift and are still waiting for it to arrive, please let Mrs. Scavitto know. 


Seniors: Locally Social’s 2022 Community Scholarship applications are available in the Guidance Office. All graduating seniors who are from St. Johnsbury, Waterford, Barnet, Peacham, Concord, Danville or Walden are eligible to apply regardless of your future plans! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!


All performers participating in Friday’s Chapel performance-there will be a final rehearsal today after school from 3:30-4:30pm in Fuller Hall.


On display now are illuminated, mini-clay houses in the entryway at Morse Center. Please admire Clay I student work between now and Friday.


Attention out-of-season athletes: Come work on becoming a better athlete by investing in performance training with Coach Kirk Becker. Male athletes will have workouts in the weight room from 4 – 4:45, and female athletes will train from 4:45 to 5:30. Workouts will take place every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  See Mr. Lenzini with questions. 


On Friday afternoon, we will host a holiday themed volleyball tournament beginning at 1 pm in the Field House. Please register your team in the Campus Life Office with Mr. Lacroix.


Attention International Students wanting to take the January 29th TOEFL — The registration deadline is Thursday, December 16. See Mrs. McCaffrey in the Guidance Office to register and with any questions.


Attention all writers and artists: if you have created some original work in your classes this semester, please consider submitting your work for publication in The Clear River Review, the Academy’s journal for the creative writing and the arts! You can also work on your submissions over the holiday break.  All submissions are due by January 31.  Please view the guidelines and submission form on the Academy webpage under the English Department information, or go to https://bit.ly/clearriver. You can also talk to Mrs. Mackenzie in Ranger 110 or Ms. Drew in the Capstone Office for more information.


SCOPE will hold its last meeting of the semester this week. Join us for conversation and cookies at 3:30 today in Ranger 212. We’ll be discussing the Governor’s Institute for Climate Change that’s happening in February, finishing up the projects everyone’s been working on this semester, and preparing for next semester’s service work. Everyone is welcome!


Attention all writers: entries are due on December 17 for the prestigious national Scholastic Art and Writing awards. Don’t delay in submitting your work online! Please visit Mrs. Mackenzie in Ranger 110 during Conference Period or go to www.artandwriting.org/ for more information. You can submit multiple times in multiple categories.  


Looking for that thing to make you feel better about 2021? Of course you are! This Sunday, the Outing Club will, for the first time ever, take an ice climbing trip in December! We will travel to Kinsman Notch and climb some beautiful green ice! No prior experience necessary, and all climbing gear will be provided. You must do two things if you would like to climb: 1. Get a permission from Campus Life, and 2. Come to Colby 209 to meet with Mr.Weiss and get fit for your boots. This is a rare opportunity to climb some early season ice. Don’t miss it!


Outing Club will not meet this week. We will resume indoor climbing after the Christmas break. There is however an ice climbing trip this weekend that you should definitely take advantage of. Go to Campus Life to sign up for this trip, and see Mr. Holden or Mr. Weiss for details. Dare to explore!


Happy Birthday today to Alfonso Garcia Valdecasas Matji, Camille Yarrow, Halie Lisboa, Thomas Leigh, Zander Veilleux, and Kasey Keach! 




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Updated – Now Closing for the Day

Updated: Due to the ongoing poor road conditions, all athletic practices and extracurricular activities for today, 2/17/25, have been canceled.


Due to the poor road conditions, St. Johnsbury Academy will now be closing for the day today, February 17, 2025.

We will communicate about the plans for athletics and extracurriculars later in the day.

Stay safe and stay warm!