Daily Bulletin | Thursday

September 1, 2022

Hilltone auditions continue today and tomorrow, if necessary. It is not too late to sign up! If you love to sing, don’t miss this opportunity…even if you are an athlete – you can do them both!


Calling all College Bound Hilltoppers! The following college has a virtual visit today:  University of Miami at 10 am in the Mayo Lounge. Be sure to sign up for their visits on Naviance and to view all details. If you are scheduled to be in class during the time of the visit, please check in with your teacher before coming to the college visit. You are also required to return to class after the completion of the visit, as attendance is turned into the main office.


Reminder:  Writers’ Block will meet today in Ranger 110 from 3:30-4:30. All are welcome.


Happy Birthday today to Cameron Dwyer, Castine Lizotte, and Zuri Douglas!


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