Daily Bulletin | Thursday
White Day
Tomorrow will be a Gear Day. That means visible SJA Gear on top, with dress code appropriate bottoms.
Attention Class of 2025: Check your STJLabs email for a link to the Class of 2025’s Winter Carnival Theme ballot. This is important. Vote today by 3pm. And remember: We meet in the gym for chapel tomorrow. Get there a little before 8:00am and be sure to sit in your advisory section.
All dorm students planning on skiing this weekend will need to meet with Mr. Robillard Friday after school in Fuller Hall at 12:15.
All dorm students planning to go on the Florida trip for February break need to meet with Mr. Robillard Friday after school in Fuller Hall at 12:30.
Attention International Students — Any student wanting to take the March 12th TOEFL must register by February 16. Email Mrs. McCaffrey at mmccaffrey@stjlabs.com or stop by the Guidance Office to register.
For all students who have applied or will be applying for a VSAC scholarship. The deadline to let the Guidance Office know that you need something uploaded is Friday at 1 pm. This is a hard deadline. Please be sure to review your scholarships to make sure you have everything uploaded. See Ms. Carr in the Guidance Office with any questions.
You probably enjoy chocolate, but do you know what makes this sweet treat so popular? Researchers tell us that eating chocolate releases endorphins in the brain. These feel-good hormones can make us feel positive and happy. Acts of giving and kindness also release endorphins, so help spread the happiness this Valentine’s Day by stopping by the junior class’s candy-gram table in the dining hall during lunch. Today is your last chance to send jolly messages and bags of Hershey Kisses to your friends and classmates for just $1!
Tech Storm, SJA’s Robotics Club, will be meeting today in Streeter 230 starting at 3:45. Feel free to stop by to see the robot and learn how to build another.
Writer’s Block will meet today after school in Ranger 110, Mrs. Mackenzie’s classroom! New members are very welcome! Come join with some friendly fellow writers to work on a writing prompt and/or share your current writing ideas. There will be cookies!
Are you interested in making dumplings? Are you interested in learning about Asian cultural activities? Come to the Asian cultural club today as we will be making dumplings with Jenny. We will be still meeting in ST255 in Ms. Davis’s room and then we will head to the kitchen together as a group. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Eric at eric.chen@stjlabs.com or Zhi at zhi.howes@stjlabs.com. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
For anyone interested in the Governor’s Institute Program, there will be representatives on campus Monday, February 14th at 10 am. The Governor’s institute is an intensive learning summer program hosted at college campuses all over the state. Please stop by Guidance to sign up and make sure you check in with your B-block teachers before you attend.
The University of Maine will be hosting an Engineering Summer Program for juniors. This is a free program for juniors who excel at math and science and that want to learn about engineering. There will be three sessions offered with each session consisting of three days. Stop by the Guidance Office for information on how to apply.
Happy Birthday today to Hayden Angell and Kevin Xu!
Kingdom Blades beat South Burlington, 5-2. Clara Andre had 3 goals with Lexi Mosher scoring the other 2, and Courtney Lewis having 17 saves in the net.
Varsity Boys Basketball beat Colchester, 43-18