Daily Bulletin | Thursday
Green Day
Tomorrow will be a Gear Day. That means you may wear visible SJA Gear on top, with dress code appropriate bottoms.
Attention Sophomores and Juniors interested in applying for membership to the National Honor Society. The NHS application can be found at bit.ly/SJANHS22. The application deadline is tomorrow, Friday, January 14. Please direct any questions to Mrs. Reed at allison.reed@stjlabs.com or by stopping into the Guidance office.
Good morning, Class of 2023 — it is that time of year. On April 13, there will be a school day SAT offered for those who are interested. You should have received a google form in your stjlabs email. Please make sure you fill out this form by February 9! Please email Ms. Carr (ecarr@stjacademy.org) with any questions!
Good morning, Class of 2024 — it is that time of year for you all as well! On April 13, there will be a school day PSAT10 offered for those who are interested. You should have received a google form in your stjlabs email. Please make sure you fill out this form by February 9! Please email Ms. Carr (ecarr@stjacademy.org) with any questions!
Science Olympiad will meet this afternoon in Streeter 241 from 3:30-4:30. Please let Mr. Eckel know if you have a conflict.
Knitting club will start up again next Thursday, January 20 in Severance 16. Winter is a great time to knit, and we just got a new donation of yarn, so come on over and start a new project! No experience or equipment necessary. As a reminder, if you borrowed needles from us in the fall, please bring them back. You can drop them with Dr. Vorhies or Mrs. Breen anytime or come back to club and keep working on your project.
Are you already stressed, and school has just begun? Looking for a place to relax with yoga, meditation, and good conversation? Time to Relax Club starts up again next Monday after school. Come learn a variety of ways to relax with a chill group. We’re upstairs in the Library Conference Room.
Join the Outing Club for our first ice climbing trip of the season! No experience, no worries we have highly trained staff that will teach you the techniques needed to scale frozen waterfalls. Step outside your comfort zone and start the semester out right by joining us this Sunday, January 16. The trip will depart from Brantview Drive at 9:30 and be back around 3pm. If you are interested, you must see Mr. Weiss for a boot fitting and get a permission slip from Campus Life. See Mr. Weiss or Mr. Bowen for details about the trip.