Daily Bulletin | Thursday

November 18, 2021

Green Day / Variety Day


A reminder that tomorrow will be a Variety Day to support the Sophomore Stewardship Day! The cost is $1.00.


The Giving Tree tags are here! Stop by the bulletin board in the first floor Ranger Breezeway. Take a tag, purchase the gift, and return the tag & unwrapped gift to C302 by Friday, December 3. The gifts are for children and elderly members of the local community. Most gifts range between $15 and $25. See Mrs. Scavitto with questions. 


Attention International Students wanting to take the Dec 4th TOEFL — the registration deadline is tomorrow at noon! See Mrs. McCaffrey in the Guidance Office to register and with any questions.


Need a little chocolate to get you through the next couple of days? Chocolate brownie froyo sundaes are available in the Common Grounds Cafe for $3.

The Café is open from 6:30am-3:30pm every school day.


Academy Theatre will meet today after school from 3:30-4:30pm in the Alumni Gym to rehearse the upcoming Chapel performances. Please check the Canvas page for more information.


Tech Strom, SJA’s Robotics Club, will be meeting today in Streeter 230 starting at 3:45. Feel free to stop by to see the robot, and learn how to build another.


Happy Birthday today to William Liu, Delaney Rankin, and Cailyn Carriere!


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