Daily Bulletin | Thursday
White Cohort Day
A reminder that there will be Zoom classes tomorrow! The In-Service day has been changed to next Friday, March 19th.
All Students, Faculty, and Staff: Don’t forget to order your lunch for next week by 8:45am today!
College Bound Seniors and Juniors—the virtual visit for Syracuse University has been cancelled for today and rescheduled for March 31st.
The French Club will meet today in NH 12. If you would like to join on Zoom, please email Madame Meranze for the link at emeranze@stjacademy.org.
Mr. Camelio’s Joke of the Week…What is it called when you put your grandmother on speed-dial?…It’s called Insta-gram!
Happy Birthday today to Elizabeth Jones, Kayanna Burns, and Emma Powers, and a special Happy Birthday to Mia Dauphin from her advisory.