Daily Bulletin | Thursday

May 16, 2024

Green Day


Tomorrow is Spring Day! All 9th Graders, Sophomores, and Juniors should report to Fuller Hall at 7:55am. Seniors – please report to the South Church for a Senior Class meeting. The dress code for tomorrow will be normal Variety Day attire. Remember – pajama pants, ripped clothing, leggings, or anything that is not school appropriate is not allowed on Variety Days. 


Attention all students who drive to school: The school has sent parking maps to the student body to indicate where students may park. We ask that you do not park in a faculty-reserved spot, or you will not be allowed to park on campus for the rest of the semester. We realize there is an issue with the number of spots available, so if no student spots are available, you may park on the right side of the access road, next to the guardrail. Please do not take a parking spot designated for faculty or a handicapped spot.  Let’s finish the year well!


Seniors, you have been sent a survey directly from Ms. Carr. Please be sure to fill this out as soon as you know your post-high school plans. This survey must be completed by every single senior. See Ms. Carr with any questions.


Tomorrow’s the big day! Seniors will receive their yearbooks after song practice in South Church Hall. Any underclassmen wishing to pick up their pre-ordered yearbook, or wishing to purchase one for $60, may do so at Straszko Center (Alumni Office) between 8:30 and 9:30 and after 2:30. Cash or a check made out to St. Johnsbury Academy will be accepted for payment.


Reminder to students looking at the Mongolia trip next year: we will have a meeting for families tonight at 6pm in the Colwell Center. This meeting is also open to students who have not yet attended an information session.


Attention Mountain Bikers! Sorry we had to cancel yesterday’s ride, but if you’re interested in joining Hilltopper Mountain Biking for a trail ride after school next Wednesday, May 22, see Mr. Dussault in his office, Colby 202, to sign up. Sign-ups are due by Monday 5/20.


Attention: Any returning girls’ volleyball players and those interested in playing volleyball this fall, should see Coach Gary in the Lobby of Morse for information regarding summer workout sessions, skill development, and important dates.


Come to Ranger 210 today right after school to finish up preparations for CultureFest 2024! Email Ms. Hibbert or Mrs. Smith with questions.


Take a break from the sunshine and come to Fuller Hall at 11:45a.m. on Spring Day to watch some films! They were written by the creative writing class and produced by the film class. Other films created by the film class will be shown, too. All are welcome!


Tinker House will be adding to the Spring Day Yard Sale fun! Please come by if you need formal wear for any of the upcoming graduation festivities including Prom, Class Day, and Graduation. All items will be displayed outside of Tinker House on Friday during Spring Day. Please take what you would like and leave what you do not. Leftover items will be donated.


Today is the last day for Yard Sale donations for the She’s the First Yard Sale! Please bring all donations to the Capstone Office by 3pm today!


High school is the perfect time. Time for what? Time to give up riding your Big Wheel, Tricycle, or Barbie Jeep. Or is it?  If you want to share your childhood vehicle for the Mario Cart Event tomorrow, please contact Mr. Ryan or Laura Ponoran today.


Don’t forget to bring some money tomorrow for the Yard Sale and food sales to help your class, as well as Skills USA participants. Note: Money should not exchange hands to bet on Spring Day Duck, Duck, Goose Winners.


Happy Birthday today to Jalal Noor Kussad, Jordan Roberts, and a special Happy Birthday to Quinn Macdonald from Ms. Hanson, and to Emily Greer from her advisory!


VARSITY BASEBALL/SOFTBALL vs. BRATTLEBORO 4:30, please dismiss the teams at 2:10

JV BASEBALL @ BRATTLEBORO 4:30, please dismiss the team at 12:45

GIRLS VARSITY/JV LACROSSE @ RICE 4:30/6:30, please dismiss the teams at 1:15


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