Daily Bulletin | Monday

August 28, 2023

White Day


Students: If you have E block free, please remember that you are not allowed to leave campus until the end of the school day. If you need to leave for an appointment, you must have a note from home and sign out at the Main Office before leaving campus. 


Students, please be aware that the Fuller Hall lobby will be closed A block through the end of C block today. Please pass through by the stage and exit out the sides, instead of the lobby.


Attention Seniors — if you are interested in making this the best year ever for your class, come to Class Council meetings after school on Tuesdays from 2:45-3:15 in Fuller Basement. The first, meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 29.  Come help us plan, organize, and create events all throughout the year.


Attention 10th Graders! We will have our first Class Council meeting today in Fuller Basement right after E block. Those of you who have conference period are welcome to stop by after! 


All those interested in Academy Theatre — onstage and backstage, please email Mr. Walker if you would like to be added to the Canvas page to stay informed of all future meetings and rehearsals!


The Tennis Club will meet on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Kiwanis-Rankin Tennis Courts. Please make sure to have your own tennis racquets and be in tennis attire. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Sayarath in the Science Department.


To all of those interested in being a part of the Dungeons and Dragons Club, we are looking for Dungeon Masters! If you are interested in being a DM, please email Mr. O’Brien at matthew.obrien@stjacademy.org. Our first club meeting will happen this Wednesday at 3:30 PM in the Dining Hall. 


Attention Hilltopper Mountain Bikers: If you signed up for HilltopperMTB, check you stjlabs email for important information about this Wednesday’s practice. You must complete the form in that email by 3:30 today in order to reserve your spot for this Wednesday’s practice. Contact Mr. Dussault today with any questions.


Happy Birthday today to Julian Wilkes, Tianen Zhao, and Reese Dimick! 


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