Daily Bulletin | Monday
Attention students: white and tan to go boxes and plates from the dining hall are compostable, which means that they do not go in the trash. Instead, put them in the green buckets marked compost only or stack them neatly on the waste stations around campus. Organic waste, like food waste and our white and white and tan compostable plates and to go boxes, that decomposes in landfills will release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. When organic waste decomposes in compost, it keeps greenhouse gasses in the soil and conserves landfill space. For Mother Earth and your grandchildren: please compost your white and tan to go boxes and plates.
Congratulations to the following 9th graders for their election to Student Government: Kaya Kendall; Derek Stratton; Meredith Rogers; Ari Leven; Rylee Strohm; Andrew Thornton-Sherman; Kevin Zheng; Zoe Buhner; Brennan O’Farrell; and Will Eaton. Two class officer positions were also won in Friday’s election. Congratulations to the new 9th grade Class Treasurer Kevin Zheng, and Vice President Ari Leven. There will be a runoff election today for Class President and Class Secretary. Freshman: please check your stjlabs email after Chapel for a link to the runoff ballot. Thank you to all of the candidates who ran for office!
Hey Hilltopper holiday-enthusiasts! We have the essentials! Big wreaths! Small wreaths! Pinecone-ed wreaths and non-pinecone-ed wreaths. Red bows and plaid bows for those plaid inclined! Prices range from $23-$28. Purchase your wreaths and swags today through Thursday and have them delivered in mid-December. Sold wherever Juniors are found!
Attention all student athletes intending to participate in Nordic this winter: There will be a brief meeting after school today in Alumni Gym to discuss equipment for the upcoming season. The meeting will begin at 3:30 pm. If you are unable to attend, see Mr. Lenzini after school this week.
Are you looking for something to do on Tuesday afternoons? Why don’t you come to the pool at 3:30 pm and join our Pool Games club? Bring a bathing suit, a towel, and desire to play! Questions: see Ms. Meranze in Colby 206 or Mr. Mesics in Newell Hall.
Today, the Math Club will host contest 2 of the New England Math League in Colby 204 at 3:30. See you today for round 2 of Math League in Colby 204! Also, on Wednesday this week, November 10th we will host the American Math Competition in Fuller Basement at 3:45. See Mrs. Meehl for practice problems for the AMC.
The Farm and Garden club would love the help of the student body and faculty in collecting your unwanted mugs to use as planters. These individual planters will be donated for the holidays to community members and organizations such as senior centers. Please drop off your mugs in the donation bin in either Mrs. Dedam’s room, Streeter 226, or Mr. Jones’ room Streeter 237. These mugs can be all shapes and sizes, anything helps! Thank you and have a great day.
A reminder to SCOPE members to have your recorded books completed and shared by tomorrow’s meeting. If you’re interested in recording a book for local elementary students, we are still seeking Hilltopper volunteers for our ongoing project. See Mrs. Begin and Mrs. Morris for a book, or make a recommendation of your own!
The Bowling Club will meet on Tuesday. The bus will leave Brantview Drive at 3:45 pm. Just a reminder. The price of bowling is $4.00 per game and the fashionable bowling shoes are free. Joke of the Week: I was with my dog Lily yesterday at Dog Mountain. I told her to sit and then I asked her. “Lily, how much is 2 minus 2”. She said nothing. What a smart dog! Have a great day!
Happy Birthday today to Quinn Zou, Luke Steele, and a special Happy Birthday to James Lunnie from the Shea advisory!