Daily Bulletin | Monday

September 20, 2021

White Day


Calling all College Bound Hilltoppers!! The following colleges have visits today: Colby College at 2pm—Colby Conference Room. Be sure to sign up for their visits on Naviance and to view all details. If you are scheduled to be in class during the time of the visit, please check in with your teacher before coming to the college visit.


The following colleges will have visits tomorrow: Vermont Army National Guard and University of California at Santa Cruz. Be sure to visit Naviance to sign up for all college visits.


Math club will meet today in Fuller Basement at 3:30. Please bring a calculator. The Math club will not have a meeting on Tuesday. 


Are you looking for something to do on Tuesday afternoons? Why don’t you come to the pool at 3:30 pm and join Pool Games club! Bring a bathing suit, a towel, and desire to play! Questions: see Ms. Meranze in Colby 206 or Mr. Mesics in Newell Hall.


Academy Theatre will be meeting Tuesday after school in the Blackbox from 3:30-4:30pm. Those interested in opportunities onstage, and backstage are urged to attend. Mr. Walker will be announcing plans for the Spring Musical. Come and be ready to move and have some theatre fun!


SCOPE will meet tomorrow at 3:30 in Mrs. Morris’ room. If you’re already a member, please check your email for meeting details. Are you interested in what SCOPE is all about? Come check us out! That’s tomorrow at 3:30 in Ranger 212. See Mrs. Begin or Mrs. Morris if you have any questions.


Juniors and Seniors that are interested in international topics and in meeting experts on those topics should consider joining the Colwell Scholars group. This is not a club. This is a group that meets with interesting individuals and attends their scholarly presentations. The simple application and information about the program can be acquired from Mr. Ehrean. Meet briefly with him right after school either on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday in Ranger 115. If you’re interested but unable to meet, please send him an email. Our first guest will be here on October 14, so please act fast.


Happy Birthday to Ian McIntosh!




As you heard in chapel last week, on Friday, we will do our symbolic walk through town to show our support for the local community by filling the food shelf with non-perishable food items. For those of you who have not been with us for this traditional walk, we do this to raise awareness within our school community as well as work in partnership with our local community in effort to take care of all those who may need us the most right now. As part of our mission at SJA, we encourage each one of you to understand your relationship and responsibility within a community that is itself part of a larger world. This week, we will ask all of us to do our part and bring in non-perishable items to help fill the local food shelf. Please bring your items to your advisor locations until Friday morning and provide a count of items to your class dean. Please see the Campus Life Office should you have any questions.


On Saturday, Tyler Demas won his boxing match, and is now headed to compete in the finals at the USA Boxing New England Championship this coming Saturday! Congratulations and good luck, Tyler!


Boys JV-B Soccer lost to U-32, 4-1.



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