Daily Bulletin | Friday

September 11, 2020

Remote Learning Day


Congratulations to four seniors who were named Semifinalists in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program. These four students will move on in the competition to be named a 2021 National Merit Scholarship winner. Congratulations to Nelson Eaton, Gavin Ghafoori, Emma Keenan, and Luke Young-Xu!


Attention International Seniors! Registration for the October 10th TOEFL is now open. Any senior needing to take the TOEFL for college admissions should email Mrs. McCaffrey at mmccaffrey@stjlabs.com no later than next Friday, September 18th. Due to COVID-19 policies and the need to socially distance, we will have fewer seats than usual for each test date and seniors will be given priority. Please email Mrs. McCaffrey with any questions.


Happy Birthday today to Wisteria Franklin. Happy Birthday tomorrow to Anthony Spaulding, and on Sunday to William Gilman, Kenroy Harry, Nickolas Santouse, and Hannah Keith.


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