Daily Bulletin | Friday

January 31, 2025

Green Day


Today during the advisory block, we will be having class meetings to discuss Winter Carnival themes. Please report to the following locations for the start of advisory: Seniors — Fuller Hall; Juniors — Streeter Dining Hall; Sophomores — South Church; and the 9th Graders — Black Box. You will be voting for your themes online, so please be sure to bring your laptop or Chromebook with you.


Winter Carnival starts next week! Monday’s theme day is SJA Variety Day! Wear your favorite SJA gear and show your school spirit! Please be sure to follow the Variety Day attire rules — no leggings, no pajama pants, etc.


There will be a mandatory meeting for all those going on this weekend’s ice climbing trip right after school today in the Alumni Gym to get fitted for boots! If you are planning on climbing ice this weekend, you must attend today’s meeting.


Did you know that Thaddeus’ favorite kind of cookies are Triple Chocolate Chip Forbidden Love cookies from Vermont Cookie Love, as sold to him by a sophomore? He would like more. Please buy Thaddeus cookies; he’s been hanging out in Colby for years…poor guy is hungry. Find a sophomore now, because today is the last day to buy cookies — for Thaddeus and everyone else you know. Mmmmm….cookies! 


Hello from the Student Diversity Council! On Winter Carnival Friday, we will host a cultural potluck in the Mayo Lounge from 10:45-12:00. All are encouraged to come, both to share about your own culture and to experience that of others. If you are interested in bringing a dish to the potluck, please fill out the google form that has been sent to your SJA email. We hope to see you there!


What’s good when it comes to Winter Carnival? We’ve got Paper Airplane Throwing, Trivia for those All Knowing, Dodge Ball taking place outdoors, Hockey taking place inside on the floors, a contest to write a song, a lot of Ping Pong, the Know Your Friend Game that occasionally goes really, really wrong, Pancake Eating, plenty of new people to be meeting, a Poetry Slam, and much, much more. May the best class win!


Our Top Tier Topper for Q2 is someone who goes above and beyond to support our resident students. She organizes their travel plans every break, delivers their packages, creates a welcoming atmosphere in the ResLife building and does just about everything else to make the lives of our boarding students easy here on campus. Let’s not forget when she lent the Class of 2024 her Bronco so they could turn it into the Barbie Mobile for Spirit Week. She is so quietly humble that she didn’t even want to receive this award on stage. Can we give Mrs. Fenoff a loud cheer for all she does? Thanks Mrs. Fenoff. Your award will be delivered later!


The first bulletin board challenge of the semester has come to an end. The answer to the BrainTeaser is “curtain”. The student winner for the BrainTeaser is… Ignacio Montague and the faculty winner is…Mr. Demsky. The faculty member who was born in a house along with all their siblings, caught two touchdowns passes as a ninth grader in a varsity playoff game, and always wanted to be a backup hip hop dancer is…. Mr. Holden. The student winner for “Guess that Hilltopper” is…Kayden Jefferson and the faculty winner is… Ms. Kramer! New challenges are now on the board. Winners, please go to Student Life to claim your prize!


The Hilltoppers Boys Varsity Basketball team lost to Burlington last night, 86-66, after a tough start. The JV-A team earned the win over Burlington.


In the most exciting, and closest meet of the season, the Gymnastics team upped their best team score by a tenth and beat out CVU last night with a score of 138.5 to 135.35. Our score of 138.5 is the highest score the team has earned in over 16 years! Lydia Ruggles placed 1st on all four events and all around and earned her highest all-around score of her high school gymnastics career. Hannah Wood and Peyton Thompson joined Lydia on the all-around podium, placing second and third respectively, with both earning new PRs.


Happy Birthday today to Nathan Busto and Steven Werner! Happy Birthday on Sunday to Raine Rashid, Kahlen Stone, and a special Happy Birthday on Sunday to Zach Poole from his friends! 




                         JV/VARSITY GIRLS BASKETBALL – HOME vs. BURLINGTON 5:30/7:00



                          BOWLING @ SOUTH BURLINGTON 10:00

                          WRESTLING @ MT. MANSFIELD 9:00

                          JV-B BOYS BASKETBALL @ RUTLAND 11:00

                          GIRLS HOCKEY @ SPAULDING 3:15

                          INDOOR TRACK @ THE ARMORY IN NYC 4:00

                          BOYS HOCKEY @ BURR & BURTON 7:00





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