Effective Evaluations Part 1 & 2


Effective Employee Evaluations Part One:
Turning Annual Reviews into a Year-long Process for Growth  

Friday, May 5, 2023 | 8:30AM-12:30

Supervisors often feel that an annual performance review does not truly promote employee ownership and growth. Learn how to turn evaluation into a cycle for continuous improvement in your organization. 


Effective Employee Evaluations Part Two:
Giving Difficult Feedback
Friday, May 19, 2023 | 8:30AM-12:30

Supervisors often wonder about what to say to employees who excel as well as how to evaluate underperforming employees. Learn how to give feedback to promote employees’ continuous growth and gain tips for tough conversations. 


Tuition: $100 per course



Dr. Martha Dubuque has over 40 years of experience as an educator. Her extensive background in educational leadership includes over a decade of work as a principal in local schools, for which she was recognized as a National Distinguished Principal in 2010. Dr. Dubuque has been a highly-respected Consultant and Professional Developer in St. Johnsbury since 2000.


For questions or more information about this course contact Sandra Mings Lamar at (802) 748-7738 or smingslamar@stjacademy.org.




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