Daily Bulletin | Tuesday
Calling all College Bound Hilltoppers! The following colleges have visits today: Stony Brook University at 10:30am; Northern Vermont University – Lyndon at 11:30am; Southern New Hampshire University at 12:30pm; Roanoke College at 1pm; Marist College at 1:30pm; Ursinus College at 2pm. Be sure to sign up for their visits on Naviance and to view all details. If you are scheduled to be in class during the time of the visit, please check in with your teacher before coming to the college visit. You are also required to return to class after the completion of the visit, and attendance will be turned into the Main Office.
Congratulations to this month’s winners of Chef B’s Random Act of Kindness: For the seniors – Mrs. Kendall’s advisory; for the juniors – Mr. Roberts’ advisory; for the sophomores – Mr. Grasso’s advisory; and for the freshmen – Ms. Meranze/Ms. Loder’s advisory! Congratulations – advisory munchies will be delivered to your advisory location one day this week.
Are you taking English second semester? Would you still like help and support to participate in the Poetry Out Loud competition? All students are welcome to take part and have a chance of competing to take part in the annual Graham S. Newell Declamation. If you’d like help choosing a poem or practicing reciting, please come see Mrs. Mackenzie in Ranger 110 any day after school this week.
SCOPE will meet today at 3:30 in Ranger 212. All are welcome! See Mrs. Begin or Mrs. Morris with any questions.
Academy Theater will not meet today but will meet this week and next week on Thursday afternoon right after school from 3:30-4:30pm in the Black Box Theater.
This week the Salsa Steps group will meet on Wednesday, October 13. Please join us in Newell 25 for some fun exercise and salsa music!
The Bowling Club will be meeting today. The bus will leave Brantview Drive at 3:45 pm. See you there!
Joke of the Week: Why don’t jack-o’- lanterns trust pumpkins? Answer: They’re too seedy. 😊
Happy Birthday today to Nevaeh Manassa-Curnin, and a special Happy Birthday to Tobias Kamann from his advisory!
JV-B BOYS SOCCER vs. HARTFORD 4:00, please release the team at 2:30
VARSITY/JV-A BOYS SOCCER @ CVU 4:00, please release the teams at 12:30
VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY @ MONTPELIER 4:30, please release the team at 2:00