Daily Bulletin | Tuesday
White Cohort Day
A reminder to any Junior or Senior who is interested in being more active during D or E block and would like to be able to snowshoe and play games outdoors with Mr. Holden. Please be sure to see Mr. Murphy in Guidance and we will work with you to get you moving during the school day and have a blast with Mr. Holden.
Students don’t forget! Anyone who did not have their photo taken for the yearbook are asked to stop by Fuller Hall between 8:30am and 3:00pm tomorrow or Thursday. Mr. Legge will be set up on the stage to take studio portraits. Please contact Mr. Legge at slegge@stjacademy.org with any questions.
The fashion program is seeking models of all body types and gender expressions for this year’s fashion show! Please stop by Morse 201 on your cohort day after school! Sign-ups will be today, Tuesday, 1/19 for the White cohort, and tomorrow, Wednesday, 1/20 for the Green cohort. If you were signed up as a model last year, we’d love to have you back! Keep an eye on your email. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Charow at emma.charow@stjlabs.com.
SCOPE will hold its first meeting of the semester today right after Conference Period at 3:10 in Ranger 212. If you’re on campus, we’d love to see you in person. Members who are online can Zoom using the link Mrs. Morris sent to you. If you’re interested in learning about or joining SCOPE, we always welcome new members and ideas – please join us or email Mrs. Morris at cmorris@stjacademy.org.
Thursday Skins with the Outing Club will start this Thursday at 3:15 on Brantview Drive. “Skinning”, or Alpine Touring, is the act of climbing up a mountain and skiing down it. Mr. Bentley will be taking a small bus to Burke each Thursday this winter to skin the mountain. In order to participate, you will need to have your own equipment (including a helmet and backpack), an adequate headlamp, and a signed permission form if you are a day student. Come and see Mr. Bentley in Ranger 209 for signups, questions and permission forms, or email at james.bentley@stjlabs.com. Space is limited to 6 students, and some loaner gear may be available. Our first skin will meet at Brantview Drive this Thursday at 3:15pm.
The Finest Non-Fiction Books of 2020 and the Decade are on display in the library now. Pulitzer Prize winners; NPR, New York Times, Kirkus, Goodreads, Slate, and Lithub best-of-the-year books. Stonewall Book Award winners, Carnegie Medalists, and so many others. You’ll find the best writing on science, nature, coming of age, and history, and timely topics such as poverty, racism, and politics. These books have stories of triumph and love, redemption and growth to help you navigate our unprecedented times. Email library@stjlabs.com to make a browsing appointment, or for a complete list of books on offer.
Happy Birthday today to Ethan Spence and Brody Gordon. A special Happy Belated Birthday to Mr. Eaton who celebrated his birthday yesterday!