Daily Bulletin | Tuesday

September 8, 2020
White Cohort Day


Lunch will be delivered to Block C classrooms. All students are reminded to wash or sanitize hands before and after eating. Face masks should be put back on immediately after eating. During lunch there will be a collection location for compost, recycling, and trash in each building. Please sort your leftover items and place in the proper container.


Auditions for this year’s Hilltones, the Academy’s select vocal ensemble, will be this Wednesday and Thursday after school. Please sign up outside the Band Room, Morse 104. Details regarding requirements and location will be posted there.


Love to read? Need help with research? You’re in luck! Your Academy’s fabulous library with its staff of four is here to help you access all the things. Reading! Recommendations! Romance, thrillers, science fiction, fantasy, graphic novels, sports, adventure, non-fiction, and more! Stephen King, Rainbow Rowell, Cassandra Clare, John Green, so many more. The writers you love and the ones you will love to discover. Just reach out. Librarians are in the Cafe study hall and the library every block to help you access the resources you need. Book returns to your advisor, in front of the library, or in the Cafe. It’s easy. Email: library@stjlabs.com, Instagram: sja_library. 


Happy Birthday today to Ella Ceppetelli and Hunter Plante.


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