Daily Bulletin | Monday
White Day
Ms. Greenstone’s E Block Contemporary Issues class should report directly to the library today.
Congratulations to the newly elected Student Government 2022-23 Officers: Vice President — Natan Lenzini; Secretary — Theodora Montague; Treasurer/Ombudsman — Siri Jolliffe. Congratulations!
St Johnsbury Academy will host an NVAC league cross country meet tomorrow after school. The entrances and exits to South Main Street and Barker Avenue will be closed. All traffic must exit on Brantview Drive. Please exit slowly and safely as there will be many visitors on campus. Thank you from the Athletics Department and SJA’s cross country athletes.
Attention Sophomores: The first 2025 Class Council Meeting of school year will be held on tomorrow in Colby 204 at 7:20am. All sophomores are welcome to join.
Calling all College Bound Hilltoppers! — The following college has a visit today: Brandeis University at 10 am in the Colby Conference Room. Be sure to sign up for their visits on Naviance and to view all details. If you are scheduled to be in class during the time of the visit, please check in with your teacher before coming to the college visit. You are also required to return to class after the completion of the visit, attendance is turned into the main office.
Coach Rainville wants you! Reminder — all those interested in playing boys basketball, who are not playing a fall sport, should attend a brief meeting on Wednesday, 9/14 at 3:30 in the gym. Contact Coaches Rainville, Hale or Yates with questions.
Attention Ultimate Frisbee players. If you like throwing a frisbee around with friends or you want to learn more about ultimate, this is the club for you! The Ultimate Frisbee Club will meet on Mondays on Stowe Green after conference period.
Attention all former and current Japanese language students: Don’t forget our informational meeting on Tuesday, 9/13 in Newell Hall 24 after conference period. This will be a great opportunity to find out more details about the April 2023 trip and to ask questions. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact Mr. Mesics. Hope to see you there.
Brain Bee meets in Streeter 241 Tuesday 3:45-4:45.
Interested in making a difference in your community with a group of like-minded students? If so, come to the Make it Better Club on Tuesday at 3:35. We will meet in R208. This is a student led club so come with your ideas! See Ms. Anson, Mrs. Begin or Mrs. Morris with any questions.
Have you ever wondered how a society of nearly 124 million people can peacefully co-exist in a space smaller than California (population 40 million) without significant wildfires, drought, or crime, then come to our first Japan Club meeting of 2022. We have a strong group of student leaders, and we are excited about upcoming Japan Club activities. Who knows, you might make a new friend from another part of the world. We will meet in Newell Hall 24 on Tuesday, 9/13 at 3:35pm. We are looking for enthusiastic, eager students who want to expand their knowledge of Japan. We hope you can attend.
The garden club will meet on Tuesday at 3:45 in Streeter 226 to plan our projects for this fall. Be prepared to spend some time working in the garden.
28 Students, 3 teachers, Zucchini for 50 families, corn for 30 families, 300 cookies, shipping out to the local food shelves. Chef Hale is so grateful for the amazing start to this new program. Keep your ears open for the next opportunity to feed the community!
Happy Birthday today to Donley Johnson!
Varsity Field Hockey lost to Spaulding, 4-1, and the JV team lost 2-0.
The Varsity and JV Volleyball teams lost their matches to Essex, 3-0.
JV-B Boys Soccer lost to Mt. Mansfield, 4-0.
Boys Varsity Soccer defeated Burr & Burton 2-1 on Saturday. Gus Yerkes and Geraldo Fernandez scored, and Jorge Trade had two assists. The JV-A team beat Burr and Burton, 3-0.
Varsity football beat Middlebury, 42-14
On Saturday, the boys cross country team won the Burlington Invitational held at Hard’Ack in St Albans by 4 points over CVU. Andrew Thornton-Sherman and Carson Eames led the boys with their 4th and 6th place finishes in the 114 runner Varsity race. Aril Levin stepped up to take 26th place as the team’s 5th scoring racer. Wilder Thomas led the JV boys to a 6th place team result.
JV FOOTBALL @ MT. MANSFIELD 4:00, please dismiss the team at 12:30
BOYS GOLF @ ORLEANS COUNTRY CLUB 4:00 – Senior Recognition, please dismiss the team at 2:00
GIRLS GOLF @ LINKS-LANG FARM 4:00, please dismiss at 12:30
VARSITY/JV GIRLS SOCCER vs. LAKE REGION 4:30, please dismiss the team at 3:00