Daily Bulletin | Monday
Green Day
Students and Faculty — the decision has been made to postpone the opening of the Dining Hall for eating lunch for at least one more week. Students should continue to grab their lunch from the Dining Hall and return to their classrooms to eat.
The St. Johnsbury Rotary Club scholarship application is now available to seniors. Check it out on Naviance or stop by the Guidance office for an application.
Are you looking for a local summer job? Check out the job board in the Guidance Office!
Today, the Math Team will meet for the New England Math League competition in Fuller Basement at 3:30. Please make sure you bring a graphing calculator. All are welcome to join the Math Team today.
Perhaps you are curious about local history, or maybe you’ve never considered it — either way you are welcome to attend the first meeting of the Young Historians Club. Stop by Colby 303 after the conference period to discover stories and gain a deeper knowledge of the area around you.
Congratulations to all those cast in the Academy Theatre production of Mamma Mia! The full cast is called today at 3:30pm in the Blackbox for a read-through of the script. Be sure to watch the Academy Theatre Canvas page for announcements and updates throughout the week. We still need student, faculty and staff volunteers for the backstage crew and production team. Please reach out to Mr. Walker if interested.
Happy Birthday today to Victor Akinniyi, Beckett Jewell, Selin Kilic, and Brennan O’Farrell!