Daily Bulletin | Monday

January 17, 2022

Green Day


Due to supply chain issues, there have been some Styrofoam to-go containers in the dining hall. Styrofoam is neither recyclable nor compostable, so please put Styrofoam to-go containers in the trash after use. 


A reminder that SCOPE’s first meeting of the semester will take place tomorrow, January 18, right after Conference Period in Ranger 212. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Begin in Ranger 208 or Mrs. Morris in Ranger 212.


Attention all writers and artists: please consider submitting your work for publication in The Clear River Review, the Academy’s journal for the creative writing and the arts!  You can also work on your submissions over the holiday break.  All submissions are due by January 31. Please view the guidelines and submission form on the Academy webpage under the English Department information, or go to https://bit.ly/clearriver. You’ll find posters with rip-strips with the address around campus. You can also talk to Mrs. Mackenzie in Ranger 110 or Ms. Drew in the Capstone Office for more information.


Today, the Math Club will have its first meeting of the New Year in Fuller Basement at 3:30. We will be hosting round 3 of the ASMA. See you at 3:30 in Fuller Basement. Please remember to bring your graphing calculators. 


Happy Birthday today to Maddie Hurlbert!


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