Daily Bulletin | Friday
Green Day / Variety Day
A reminder to band students to come to Morse after A block today to prep for the Veteran’s Day parade. Students should be back in class for C Block.
Seniors — today is the last day to submit your cap and gown measurements! Please submit via the survey that was sent to your stjlabs account or stop by the Headmaster’s Office and see Mrs. Legendre.
Juniors we have 5 more selling days left in the wreath season. All orders are due to Ms. Carr in the guidance office on Wednesday, Nov 16 by C block. Make the most of your final 5 days and sell, sell, sell. Please make sure you have collected all money before turning in your orders on Nov 16.
A reminder to all that would like to purchase a Burke Mountain Season Pass. Applications are due by November 30th! Contact Mrs. Greenwood in the Business Office for more information.
The Athletics Department will host the Winter Meet the Coaches event Monday, November 14th at 6 pm in Alumni Gym. Following general introductions, team meetings will be held in Alumni Gym and the Morse Center. Winter practices/tryouts will begin November 28th.
The bins in the Field House lobby must be emptied by the end of the school day today! Everything must go, so if you have stuff in the bins, please stop by the Field House by this afternoon to grab your belongings!
Last chance! Grab a team and sign up for the dodgeball tournament today in the Alumni Gym after CP. Mr. Lacroix is not here today, so signups will be with Ms. Lang in the Student Life office. The cost is $2.00 per teammate and $1.00 for admission if you choose to just watch. Show out and support our Unified Basketball team!
A reminder that everyone in our Jewish community is invited to gather at the headmaster’s house today at 4pm. There is a rumor of bagels. But I can neither confirm nor deny the veracity of these rumors.
If you are interested in attending the American Ballet Theatre Studio production this Sunday evening at Lyndon Institute, please be sure to stop by and see Ms. Hraibi today in the Morse Dance Studio for complementary tickets!
Attention International Students — The registration deadline for the Dec 10th TOEFL is November 17th. Any student needing to take the December 10th TOEFL should stop by the Guidance Office to register with Mrs. McCaffrey.
Good luck to our Girl’s and Boy’s XC teams who will be leaving today to compete in the New England Championships. These student-athletes have been dedicated to perfecting their performance and committed to their teammates and coaches every day since August. Good Luck to both teams, we are so proud of you already!
Congratulations to all of the participants in last night’s Poetry Out Loud Declamation! It was an evening of incredible performances. Here are the four students that will be finalists in the contest: Olivia Blanchard, Marcus Burns, Max Groft, and Greer Kennedy. Congratulations, and thank you again to everyone who took part, both in your classroom competitions and in the Declamation!
Happy Birthday today to Elizabeth Duranleau and Huckle Perkins! Happy Birthday tomorrow to Bryn Waring, and on Sunday to Nickolas Mull, Collin Pelletier, and Mattie Royer! A special Happy Birthday to Mr. Demsky from his B block class and Waterman Dorm, and a special Happy Birthday to Mr. Hartshorn from Christensen Dorm!
CROSS COUNTRY @ NEW ENGLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS; please release the teams at 10:45