AP Physics C: Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism
Credits: 2
These college level, calculus-based physics courses build on the core physics at a level appropriate for successfully taking the AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism exams. They are equivalent to the first year of college physics taken by students majoring in physics and the engineering disciplines. Topics include Newtonian mechanics, rotational dynamics, oscillations, electrostatics, electromagnetism, and circuits. Significant laboratory practical work is included. Students must take both semesters of the course.
Prerequisites: Physics: Systems of Matter, Motion, and Energy (Accelerated) grade >85 or (Standard) grade >90 and at least concurrent enrollment in Applied Calculus (Accelerated) or AP Calculus; with departmental approval.
Students may take this sequence as a first physics course with department approval.