Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
White Day
Seniors, today is the final day to sign up for the October 26th School Day SAT. See Ms. Carr with questions.
A reminder that the Jewish Student Union will meet directly after school tomorrow in Colby 209! We hope to see you there!
Weds, 20th: A recruiter from the Marines will be on campus today from 10:30-11:00. Be sure to check in with your teachers before attending and sign up on Naviance. See Ms. Carr with questions.
More than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s. By 2050, this number is projected to rise to nearly 13 million, as it already kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. This Sunday, The Vermont Alzheimer’s Association is hosting the Northeast Kingdom Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Please consider joining the SJA Team to walk for a different future! In recent years many SJA community members showed up to support this very important cause. Our football team was the first team to participate and now we are proud to say that the majority of the fall sports teams, as well as boys’ basketball, have joined the walk. This year’s walk will be Sunday, September 24th beginning at 9:30 AM at the St. Johnsbury Welcome Center. To join the SJA Team or to donate, please register with Mrs. McCaffrey in Colby 106.
Come to the Maker Space today starting at either 3:30 or 4:15 to learn how to make your own custom 3D printed earrings, necklace charms, or keychains. No experience is necessary, and we’ll provide all the hardware to turn your idea into wearable happiness.
Math Club will meet in Severance 15 today from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. We love snacks! Be there or be squared!
A Constitution Week Joke from Mr. Eckhardt: The gyms must remain open… the Constitution guarantees freedom of the press. 😊
Happy Birthday today to Brynn Wright, and a special Happy Birthday to Ms. Cote from the Baker/Cote advisory!
BOYS VARSITY/JV SOCCER @ BFA-ST. ALBANS 4:30, please release the teams at 12:45
BOYS GOLD @ WEST BOLTON COUNTRY CLUB 4:00, please release the teams at 1:15