Daily Bulletin | Wednesday

March 22, 2023

White Day


All students taking either PSAT10 or SAT today, please be sure to go to the location given to you by your advisor. If you forget your location, please check in with the main office or Headmaster’s Office.


Ms. Greenstone’s C Block class is reminded to have first lunch today and then report to Ranger 111.


Student Gov will meet on Thursday in Fuller Basement at 7:30. Please see Mr. Ryan or Rory with any conflicts.


On April 18th, during blocks B and C, there will be a Career Fair at the ice arena in Lyndonville. Many local businesses will be there, and it’ll be a good opportunity to check out career and internship possibilities. This is open to juniors, seniors, and sophomores that have taken or are currently taking a CTE course. If interested, please stop by Mr. Carr’s office in Streeter 132 for a permission slip. 


Attention International Students — Any student wanting to take the April 15th TOEFL must register by Friday, March 24th. A link to register for the April TOEFL has been sent to your STJLabs email. See Mrs. McCaffrey in the Guidance Office with any questions.


Just to clarify, the Adrienne Raphel reading in the library will take place on Thursday at 3:30. The presentation will last half an hour, followed by Q&A, cookies and cider, and book signing. All are welcome!


All sophomores in the VSAC GEAR UP program with Ms. Turner are asked to please check in with her in the cafeteria at lunchtime today. You are encouraged to check your email, and to make other arrangements to connect with Ms. Turner if you are not able to check in today. 


Class of 2024! Do you have photos of you and your friends from this school year you want to see in the yearbook? As long as they are neat, clean, appropriate, and feature you and other Juniors we want them! With two additional pages for photos of our class in the yearbook, now is your chance to be featured. Pick out your favorites and send them to brooke.white@stjlabs.com by this afternoon!


Mr. Kinsella will be offering a factoring skills workshop today in Severance 15 from 3:30 to 4:30. This could benefit any student from Alg1 to Precalculus. Stretch you mind or look to review a key concept that is used across many math classes.  See you in Severance 15 at 3:30pm.


The Maker Space will not be open today. However, this week we will be open on Thursday afternoon beginning at 3:45. If you can’t usually come on Wednesdays, make a plan to come check out our tools and get started on a project tomorrow!


Join us for knitting club this afternoon from 3:45-4:45 in Severance 16. We have all the supplies and expertise you need to start a new project or finish an old one.


Happy Birthday today to Layne Lawton and Moses Rubin!


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