Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Green Day
White Mountain Community College will visit campus today from 9:00-9:30, and Putney Student Travel will visit from 11:00-11:30. Both visits are happening in the Guidance Office. Please be sure to check in with your teacher before attending.
This announcement is for all the boarding students who are participating in the Florida vacation trip next week. There is a mandatory meeting in the Res Life office immediately after school today. If you are unable to be there, please see Mr. Robillard.
Attention International Students — any student wanting to take the March 18th TOEFL must register by tomorrow at 3pm. A link to register for the March TOEFL has been sent to your stjlabs email. See Mrs. McCaffrey in the Guidance Office with any questions.
Science Olympiad has a required meeting tomorrow after CP in Streeter 241 to set event pairings for the VT State tournament April 1.
The Maker Space will be open this afternoon for crafting and collaboration. See you starting at 3:45 in Streeter 141!
Attention Varsity Tennis Players — there will be an informational meeting for those interested in playing Varsity Tennis this spring at 3:30 today in Streeter 248. If you are currently participating in a team sport and/or can’t make the meeting, please contact Dr. Sayarath or Mr. Mantius in the science and social studies departments, respectively.
Are you interested in history and writing or poster making? If you said yes, then Ms. Meranze has an opportunity for you. The Vermont Holocaust Memorial is sponsoring an essay and poster contest. The prompt is: Why is it important for students to learn about the Holocaust? All entries are due by March 21, 2023. Please see Ms. Meranze in Colby 206 or email her at ellen.meranze@stjlabs.com for details.
Attention Juniors — the Social Studies Department is pleased to announce the Boys and Girls State programs for this summer. If you have an interest in politics, leadership, and public policy, this is a phenomenal opportunity. If you have any interest or questions, email Mr. Mantius at peter.mantius@stjlabs.com or stop by his classroom during Conference Period in Ranger 211 to pick up an application. All costs will be taken care of by sponsors and the Social Studies Department.
KINGDOM BLADES @ RICE 5:30, please dismiss the team at 2:15
BOYS HOCKEY @ STOWE 5:15, please dismiss the team at 2:15