Daily Bulletin | Wednesday

May 22, 2024

White Day


Exams begin tomorrow with the English exams in the morning and Science exams in the afternoon, as well as the CTE Showcase all day in Streeter Hall. Exams begin at 9:00am and 12:45pm each day, so please plan to be in your locations no later than 8:45 and 12:30pm. Dress Code for exam days is appropriate Variety Day attire.


Seniors please be sure to fill out the Senior Survey sent to you by Ms. Carr. Please stop by C101 with questions.


Seniors – please check your stjlabs email account for valuable information about your devices, especially those that have a school-issued Chromebook.


Final reminder – if you are enrolled in AP Literature, AP Language and Composition, or AP Seminar next year, please stop by Ranger 210 any time before Last Chapel on the 29th to get your summer reading assignment. Reach out to Ms. Hibbert with any questions.


If you’re taking AP World History next year, please stop by the Main Office to pick up your copy of the summer reading, A History of the World in Six Glasses


Students planning to take AP African American Studies should pick up their summer reading in the Main Office. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Quinn.


All students registered to take AP U.S. History next year, please check your email next week for your summer assignment.


Future AP Psychology students, please stop by to see Mrs. Callanan sometime this week! 


For all students taking AP Studio Art next year, there will be a mandatory meeting with Mr. Reis on May 23rd in Morse 202 to discuss portfolio theme ideas.


Students who are interested in the Southeast Asia trip next year: please mark your calendars for a Parents’ meeting this Thursday, May 23rd, at 6 pm in Streeter 248. If you are interested in the trip, but couldn’t make the earlier information sessions, you are also welcome to attend this meeting.


A reminder that there will be a meeting at 3pm today in Fuller Hall for anyone interested in playing Girls Soccer next year.


For all interested in playing boys’ soccer in the fall, there will be a meeting in Mr. Levesque’s classroom Colby 203 today after school at 3:10 pm. 


Girls interested in running cross country next fall, please meet Mrs. Hemond in the gym at 3:10 today.


There will be a check-in for the Fall 2024 Boy’s XC team today after school in Streeter 239.


The JSU will hold their final meeting of the year today at 3:30pm in Colby 209.  See then you!


The Gender and Sexuality Union will be selling rainbow Rice Krispie treats as a fundraiser after school in front of the library. Throughout the country, LGBTQ youth are under attack. In some states, LGBTQ books are being banned from schools and libraries. In some states, there are laws requiring that teachers out their students to their parents, and in many states, health care for LGBTQ youth is being banned. We are raising money to support groups that send care packages to students in these states. Stop by after school today to buy a treat to help support these youth.


Happy Birthday today to Gryffon Foldeak, Madison Powers, and a special Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Dean from her advisory! Happy Birthday tomorrow to Grace Daigneault!


BOYS VARSITY LACROSSE @ STOWE 5:30, please release the teams at 2:30


GIRLS TENNIS vs. COLCHESTER 3:30, please release the team at 2:10

BOYS TENNIS @ COLCHESTER 3:30, please dismiss the team at 12:00


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