Daily Bulletin | Thursday
White Day
Starting today, there will be QR codes on all the napkin dispensers in the dining areas for students, faculty, and staff to check-in and indicate who you are eating lunch with or sitting with during a free block. This is for contact-tracing purposes, so please be sure to fill it out each time you are there.
If you were elected to Student Government this past May, you have a meeting in Fuller Hall Basement at 1:15 on Friday. See Mr. Ryan or Ashley with any questions.
Attention Students! The Information Technology Department has moved to Streeter 217! Please stop by Streeter 217 should you need assistance from our technology team.
Hilltones, our select vocal ensemble, will have auditions Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Information is posted on the Band Room door. Stop by the Band Room in the Morse building if interested!
If you are interested in participating with the band or strings this fall but were unable to schedule, please stop by Morse 103 and see Mr. Rowe.
A reminder to last years’ Hilltones, we will meet tonight at 6:15.
Happy Birthday today to Nyxin Freeto and Darek Noyes.
VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY SCRIMMAGE @ HANOVER 4:00, please release the team at 1:30
JV/VARSITY BOYS SOCCER SCRIMMAGE @ U-32 4:30, please release the teams at 2:00