Daily Bulletin | Thursday
White Cohort Day
A reminder—there will be no classes tomorrow due to the Faculty In-Service Day.
All Students, Faculty, and Staff: Don’t forget to order your lunch today for next week by 8:45am today!
College Bound Seniors and Juniors—a friendly reminder that there will be virtual college visits today with Rutgers University—New Brunswick at 3pm and The University of Alabama at 3:30pm. Visit your Naviance account for the virtual link.
The French Club will meet today in NH 12. If you would like to join on Zoom, just email Madame Meranze for the link at emeranze@stjacademy.org.
Attention International Students—The registration deadline for the April 10th TOEFL is Thursday, March 25. Any student needing to take the TOEFL should email Mrs. McCaffrey at mmccaffrey@stjlabs.com to get the link to the registration form. Please email Mrs. McCaffrey with any questions.
Were you on the alpine ski team this winter? Do you miss training gates? Do you still have your speed suit? Please be sure that you return your speed suit to either Mr. Eckhardt’s office or the front desk of the Field House. Please do not simply drop it off – be sure someone gets your name. Replacement cost for each suit is about $250, so please return your speed suit today!
Attention poetry lovers…some fun virtual activities are taking place in our greater community over the next weeks. On Friday, March 29, there will be a statewide Poetry Slam held via Zoom from the Barre Aldrich Library at 7pm. You can compete (join our own Kat Mayhew!), judge (get trained on the spot), or just show up and cheer. On April 1, at 4:45pm, there will be a poetry reading hosted at Dartmouth College featuring poets Cleopatra Mathis and Joshua Bennett. And on April 9, at 7pm, Peacham Library will be hosting a poetry-sharing event (bring your own work or that of a favorite poet). Please email Mrs. Mackenzie at jemackenzie@stjacademy.org to obtain the Zoom links for these events. You’ll join her and members of the creative writing class there when you attend. Time to get ready to celebrate National Poetry Month in April!
Attention College Bound Seniors—Have you started researching and applying for scholarships to help with college costs? Now is the time! Be on the lookout for an email from the SJA Guidance Department every Friday for updated scholarship opportunities! You can also access the scholarship list through your Naviance account. Don’t wait, be sure to check the link often as we are always adding new scholarships to the list!
Mr. Camelio’s Joke of the Week: When I was your age, my teachers told me I’d never amount to much because I procrastinate so much. Do you know what I told them? “Just you wait!”
Happy Birthday today to John Miller and Chase Elliott! Happy Birthday tomorrow to Ari Chambers, Aimee Crown, Aiden Rowe and a special Happy Birthday to Olivia Aguirre from her advisory. Happy Birthday on Saturday to Kadynce DeWees-Crane, Henry Roy, Fela Maderia, and Mason Davis, and on Sunday to Victor Akinniyi, Beckett Jewell, Aine Fannon, and Rauf Erkiletlioglu.
Congratulations to Gavin Ghafoori for coming in second at the Vermont Poetry Out Loud State Finals on Monday night!
Congratulations to Lily Barth, whose Scholastic Art and Writing Award for her novel, “Til the Sun Drips Blood”, advanced to a national level Silver Medal. Way to go, Lily!
Varsity Boys Basketball lost to 45-44.
Varsity Girls Basketball lost to South Burlington, 37-20.
The SJA gymnastics team had a solid showing at the 2021 State Meet with juniors Lizzy Jones and Anna Cushing leading the team. The team placed 5th with a score of 124.45. Cushing placed 6th on floor and vault with a 9.3 and 8.25 respectively. Jones took 4th on floor with a 9.325, 3rd on bars with an 8.875, 2nd on vault with an 8.725, and 4th all around with a total score of 34.325.
The Alpine team traveled to Cochran’s ski area on a windy and cold morning on Monday for the first part of the Alpine State Championships. The boys team placed all six racers in the top 25 in a field of 83 and they finished 4th in the team scoring for the day. Wyatt Knaus led the team with his 10th place finish. Maggie Anderson led the way for the girls with her 10th place finish. Both teams look to improve their standing tomorrow during the giant slalom race at Smuggler’s Notch. Then, yesterday, from A – Z the Hilltoppers dominated the Giant Slalom part of the State Alpine Championships – Maggie Anderson and Tommy Zschau each won the GS race for their gender. This is unprecedented in school, perhaps state history! Both the girls and boys team’s moved up in the final team scoring. The girls finished 6th out of 9 schools and the boy’s finished in second place out of twelve schools and were the state runner’s up for the second year in a row. Congratulations to both teams for a great season and fantastic results in the state championships. A very special thank you to our seniors, Maggie Anderson, Julia Chadderdon, Cody Van Dine, and Tommy Zschau for their leadership throughout the season – you will be missed.