Daily Bulletin | Friday

March 22, 2024

White Day


Today is the last day to submit your act for the 2024 St. Johnsbury Academy Talent Show. Please send an email briefly describing your act to either Mr. John Lovett or Anabelle Reisner by no later than 3:00 PM today!


All those who competed in the MathCon competition and scored in the top 10% for their grade need to meet Mr. Legge on the front steps of Fuller Hall immediately after Chapel for a photo.


Attention Juniors – if you have an interest in politics, leadership, or public policy, we would like you to consider the Boys and Girls State programs. You get to spend a week on a college campus setting policy and running a mock government. Up to four boys and four girls will be chosen to represent the Academy at this week-long conference. The boys’ program will run from June 19th through June 24th, and the girls’ program will run from June 23rd to June 28th.  If you have any interest or questions, email Mr. Mantius or stop by his classroom during Conference Period in Ranger 211 to pick up an application. All costs will be taken care of by sponsors and the Social Studies Department.


Happy Birthday today to Madelyn Gray, Gloria Han, and Layne Lawton! Happy Birthday tomorrow to Maxwell Gray, Pablo Gutierrez Gonzalez, and Noah Miller, and on Sunday to Zeke Wohlberg!


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