Daily Bulletin | Friday
Green Day
A reminder that there will be no classes on Monday. For those taking the PSAT-10 or SAT, please be sure to be in your testing locations by 7:55am on Monday morning. Anyone who is in walking distance or would like to stay after testing is invited to join the afternoon Eclipse activities on campus. Please check your email for more information.
Any international student wanting to take the May 11th TOEFL needs to register with Mrs. McCaffrey by noon today! See Mrs. McCaffrey in Colby 106 to register.
Don’t miss out on the St. Johnsbury Academy 2024 Talent Show tonight starting at 6:30pm in Fuller Hall!!! Cost is $3 for adults and $2 for students. Come see stars who cannot be eclipsed!
The Student Athletic Advisory Council would like to congratulate Harry Geng on being named the Caledonian Record Boys’ Basketball Player of the Year! SAAC will meet today after school in Fuller Basement.
A snow day, an eclipse, and a Mr. Camelio Joke of the Week — what could be better?!?…I just read about this dog who ran a hundred miles to retrieve a stick. I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty far-fetched. 😊
A special Happy Belated Birthday to Jacob Prokopets who celebrated his birthday on Tuesday! Happy Belated Birthday yesterday to Hannah Albright, Emma Greenan, and Michael Seminara!
A Special Happy Birthday today to Dominic Warren from his friends! Happy Birthday tomorrow to Grace Hagler-Ellis, Ace Irwin, Sophia Rizzo, and a special Happy Birthday tomorrow to Madalyn Atkinson from her advisory! Happy Birthday on Sunday to Laura Ponoran and Harper Rutledge, and on Monday to Jacob Emerson, Sarah Roy, and Pablo Salazar de Leon!
UNIFIED BASKETBALL @ MILTON HIGH SCHOOL 3:30, please dismiss the team at 12:15pm